Dear Friends and Family!
Catalyst Church exists to build the lives of people by following the ways of Jesus, leading to the renewal of our world. We have always been a generous church and one that is passionate about making a difference. As we emulate the generosity of our God, we continue to experience His hand of blessing on us.
Our passion to make an impact begins here in our city and extends to several regions around the globe. That’s why we, our family, and our leadership team are extremely excited about our partnership with OneChild. OneChild works with indigenous churches to help equip children living in poverty to meet their God-given potential by providing opportunities for transformational development: spiritually, physically, mentally, and relationally.
The next phase of our partnership with OneChild is to now sponsor a child. By becoming a sponsor, you will be making a lasting impact on a child and their family by providing nutritional support, medical aid, educational assistance, and most importantly, an opportunity for these children to learn about God’s love for them.
We are asking each of you to prayerfully consider joining our family in sponsoring a child through OneChild. As we have experienced, together, we can accomplish so much more than any of us could ever achieve alone.
Let’s continue to change the world, one child at a time!
Catalyst Church