Dear Friends and Family!
One of our core values at Redemption is mission. We recognize that – as a church – we don’t exist for ourselves; we exist for the world. With God’s wonderful gift of salvation comes an invitation to join Him in his redemptive work in this world through our service, generosity, love, and proclamation of the gospel.
We’re passionate about our calling to make an impact for the Kingdom of God locally, nationally, and globally. That’s why we’re so excited to partner with OneChild!
OneChild is a ministry that works to bring hope, truth, life, love, and mercy to children living in poverty all over the world. OneChild works with indigenous churches to help equip these children to meet their God-given potential by providing opportunities for transformational development: spiritually, physically, mentally, and relationally..
OneChild shares our heart to facilitate relationships that strategically meet the needs of “the least of these”. We know this is something God has called each of us to do. With that mind, we are excited to extend the opportunity of child sponsorship to you. By sponsoring a child you will be making a lasting impact on that life of that child and their family by providing nutritional support, medical aid, educational assistance, and most importantly, an opportunity for them to learn about God’s love for them.
Would you prayerfully consider joining me and my family in sponsoring a child through OneChild? Together we can accomplish so much more than any of us ever could on our own!
Let’s continue to change the world together, one child at a time!
Jeremy & Amee Ziegler
Lead Pastors, Redemption Community Church