One Child Matters provides children with activities and services that help them develop holistically at child development centers (CDCs). There are two categories of CDCs: church-based and partner-based.

With church-based child development centers, we come alongside local evangelical churches that desire to minister to children or are already doing so. We seek to partner with churches located in the poorest communities in order to make as great of an impact as possible. We operate our CDCs out of these same local church facilities and staff them with local church members. By operating out of existing church facilities, the project becomes part of that body of local believers, further instilling the vision for children’s ministry within the members and helping the church in its community outreach. We believe that by working with the local church throughout the world we are strengthening the body of Christ as a whole.

One Child Matters is also blessed to partner with independent, non-governmental organizations that share our desire to care for and love impoverished children. We provide the necessary funds, training, and accountability to these partners so they can operate our CDCs. By partnering with these organizations, our ministry can reach areas where the Church is weak or absent.

Click on image below to read more about our other program model, Partner-Based Schools.